Where do your customers get their news?

The perfect Tier 1 media list.

Created specifically for your company by identifying where your customers and prospects get their news.

Why do we even do PR?

For most, a key objective is to get their organisation’s message and brand in front of people who are likely to buy or be influential in the purchase of their product or service. In order to achieve this the starting point has to be to know which media outlets your target audience read.

Without this information it's also very difficult to meaningfully measure the success of a PR campaign.

which publications & writers are most popular with your customers and prospects?

Getting reliable insights in this area has been a challenge and often involved a lot of guesswork by companies and their PR agencies.

We solve this by profiling your customer base to identify the publications, people, events and organisations that they engage with. The research is conducted in a way that is confidential and complies with data protection laws.

Get powerful insight into what's important to your customers, allowing you to drill down by:

Industry (e.g. the outlets read most by your customers in Financial Services)

Company (e.g. 25% of people who work at Acme Ltd follow This Publication 

Job Title (e.g. the outlets with the greatest reach among your customers and prospects with the job title of IT Manager)

Job Function (e.g. which media will give you most exposure to your customers working in a finance role)

setting yourself up for success

The information from this research will allow you to target your PR and advertising efforts more efficiently. It will help you identify & justify which social media accounts and influencers to prioritize.

You'll get your message in front of the right people more often.

Informing Decisions can then help you use the data to curate the outlets monitored for the purpose of PR reporting.

Imagine how powerful it would be to be able to say "within the media outlets we know our customers read we had an X % share of voice, appeared in Y number of stories and Z% of those stories carried a key message".

The process helps align PR activity with business objectives and allows you to get more meaningful measurement data.

Learn More

Want to learn more about where your customers get their news?

Need help setting up or running an effective comms measurement program?

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